“I would encourage students to pursue whatever studies they are passionate about and in which they can become proficient and, yes, make a good living…The world needs experts who approach problems from a variety of perspectives. I just came from Michigan, as you know, and addressing the water crisis in Flint will require biologists as well as political scientists, historians and people who study race and ethnicity, philosophers as well as artists.”
Q&A, Richmond Times Dispatch, June 25, 2016
Select Audio and Video
Colloquy Address, University of Richmond, August 17, 2016
“On Ruins and Loss,” Captured Conversations on ‘Dusk to Dusk’ Exhibit, Hope College, September 25, 2015(Audio Interview)
Failure:Lab Hope College, Holland, MI, July 30, 2015
Humanities Through the Classics: A Symposium Hosted by the The University of Miami Center for the Humanities and the Department of Classics, April 12, 2011
"Black Athena and Myths of African Diaspora Identity in Latin America and Brazil" September 29, 2009.
More Lectures by Dr. Rankine
- State of the School Address, August 21, 201
- On Bruce Norris’ “Clybourne Park,” January 16, 2014;
- Ida B. Wells Lecture, Villanova University; April 29, 2013
- On Black Orpheus, February 2, 2011